As part of our outreach project we're able to offer a number of workshops, each that can be tailored to suit your school, college or society.
Old Comedy Crash Course
Our introduction to the conventions of ancient drama including the absurd world of Aristophanes.
Recommended for...
OCR's Greek Theatre module, A-Level Classical Civilisation
Devising Inspired by Our Past
Learn how we create our theatre with inspiration from history and age-old stories.
Recommended for...
Devising elements of
GCSE & A Level Drama courses
Teacher Testimonials
Bespoke, tailored workshops for your needs
We are committed to making our outreach work as accessible as possible, that’s why we aim to be more affordable than other more established groups doing work like ours. In fact, we've decided FIT Theatre will only ever charge you what a visit costs us.
For example, to deliver our standard two hour workshop typically costs us £195 plus travel expenses - so that’s the fee. Ultimately, we're always willing to discuss what we can achieve within your budget, so please reach out whatever your circumstances.